So last week I mentioned I was off to Memory Lane with the camera club to photograph some Vintage cars. The cars were indeed fabulous as were the surroundings, just a shame about the weather, it absolutely pee'd down with rain on and off throughout the day and worst of all the rain was accompanied by thunder and lightening. I have a huge phobia of storms, so I was not best pleased! Thankfully though I remembered to cover myself from head to foot in bug spray so at least I didn't get bitten to death as well.
The mosquito's are well and truly in season now and having spent a couple of hours outside with our neighbours the weekend before I had some horrific bites up my legs. There's something about the biting insects here that just love me, and I seem to have no tolerance to them at all.
The week has flown by as work has been hectic! The weather has been shifting between really hot and sunny to windy and rainy (which is is today). We are supposed to be heading out tomorrow on another model shoot, but so far the weather forecast is not looking good.
It's a sad week this week as Peter Falk died on Thursday aged 83. I was a massive fan of his and all the Columbo series. At least his memory will live on as somewhere on TV there is always a Columbo to watch!
The talent competition 'The Voice' reached the semi final point this week and the right 4 contestants have made it to the final for next week. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing who wins. I am routing for Vicci or Beverly to win! (Videos below)
The nice thing about 'The Voice' is the fact that all the mentors really did care about their artists and they get up and sing with them on the show. The show does knock spots off The X Factor!
Back to reality and Rob started his new job this week. He seems really happy with it. The side of the business he will be working on is just getting up and running, so the hours are not full time as yet, he has done 3 days so far this week and supplemented some hours at UHaul. The good thing about UHaul is he only has to do a shift once in 3 months to stay on the books there, so it's a helpful back up when hours are short.


Feel the Shine (Best car in show in my opinion)

Friends for Dinner...1950's stylee
The mosquito's are well and truly in season now and having spent a couple of hours outside with our neighbours the weekend before I had some horrific bites up my legs. There's something about the biting insects here that just love me, and I seem to have no tolerance to them at all.
The week has flown by as work has been hectic! The weather has been shifting between really hot and sunny to windy and rainy (which is is today). We are supposed to be heading out tomorrow on another model shoot, but so far the weather forecast is not looking good.
It's a sad week this week as Peter Falk died on Thursday aged 83. I was a massive fan of his and all the Columbo series. At least his memory will live on as somewhere on TV there is always a Columbo to watch!
The talent competition 'The Voice' reached the semi final point this week and the right 4 contestants have made it to the final for next week. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing who wins. I am routing for Vicci or Beverly to win! (Videos below)
The nice thing about 'The Voice' is the fact that all the mentors really did care about their artists and they get up and sing with them on the show. The show does knock spots off The X Factor!
Back to reality and Rob started his new job this week. He seems really happy with it. The side of the business he will be working on is just getting up and running, so the hours are not full time as yet, he has done 3 days so far this week and supplemented some hours at UHaul. The good thing about UHaul is he only has to do a shift once in 3 months to stay on the books there, so it's a helpful back up when hours are short.


Feel the Shine (Best car in show in my opinion)

Friends for Dinner...1950's stylee