Thursday, July 29, 2010

Civic Holidays and Sailing

Last night Rob and I met up with the usual suspects for a little outing to watch some sailing in the Bedford Basin and take a few photos. A very social evening, obviously we went to Tim's afterwards for donuts and coffee (in my case tea). This weekend marks Natal Day (civic holiday on Monday)...The weekend is a bit like Canada Day and marks the birthday of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. There are loads of events on over the weekend and on Monday there is a parade. Fireworks are of course also on the agenda on Saturday evening, so we my well attempt to hook up again with the gang and take some more shots in front of the bridge.

Having just read up on Natal Day I found out that it is not an official Bank Holiday but many people do take the day off. The reason it came about was purely down to the fact that they wanted to add in another holiday between Canada Day and Labour Day as the gap was too long between holidays, which of course made me laugh! I reckon the UK should take note of this!

Yesterday I had a call back from Pete's and they told me they have narrowed the position down to 2 candidates, myself and one other and want me to attend a second interview on Tuesday next week. Of course I am pleased by this news, as it means I did get the interview right, which should stand me in good stead for any others, but with regards a second interview, I have no clue what to expect. I have a 50/50 chance now, if I don't get it I shall be straight on to Drake Employment next week and hopefully they should be able to get me temping somewhere. I really want a job again now. It's funny but I never though I would say that!

Rob started his learning days with Metro Burners today, he will be out again with them tomorrow. He said he found it much the same as the UK, the pipes maybe different but the problems are still the same!

Wind and Power :o)

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