Saturday, May 5, 2012

Beyond Tired!

Wow, what a week! That trip the girls and I did last Sunday really threw my whole week for a loop. I was tired when getting back, but yet I still stayed up to edit one image and fill in the blog, Monday I was in a trance, I couldn't sleep properly for the rest of the week and to top it all we had our inventory to do on Friday night, and I ended up doing a 14 hour day, my eyes were pretty red and sore by the end of it. Thankfully Saturday I slept like I was in a coma and didn't wake up till around lunchtime...Nothing new there really! Even without the inventory my work week has been frantically busy. There are quite a few changes going on right now and I seem to be a key part of them. Without going into details, it essentially means that I have been taking on other roles as well as my own to help get a new part of the business underway.

The weather has been pretty nice on and off all this week, the best day of course being Friday when I was stuck inside for hours and hours. I had a local framing company enquire about my photography this week, they have a client (a hotel I believe) who is interested in displaying local images. I gave the chap a price on licencing the images, and although he couldn't promise anything he said he would pass my info and flickr page link onto his client and see if they were interested. I won't hold my breath, but let's just say if they did come back to me for some, then I would make a decent amount of cash from each one. On the Getty front, no sales yet, but I remain hopeful. I have in total 87 images available on there for licencing now.

Talking telly again for a moment, since living here I can't say advertisements...Of which there are far too many, have every really caught my imagination....Until now. I absolutely love the new ads for Rona, they really make me chuckle. I have posted them here for you to take a look at. It's my kinda DIY!

Hamish has been playing up a bit this week, I think he has Spring Fever, he is itching to get outside every day now, he loves going out for his constitution walkies and grass eating sessions!!

Talking of grass, it's green now and growing like crazy, it got it's first cut of the year on Saturday and remember my little flower bed I planted last year, well everything has shot up and filled out, I had my doubts with the Winter being so hard here but everything's blooming. My lupins are almost ready to flower...I think they are a bit early, so they must be loving the soil and the weather.

I will post some photos from last weekend in the next update. Didn't want to bog this entry down as I have already posted the ads.


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